Mistress of Deception

Deliver Rokaro's Letter to Myranda the Hag in the Western Plaguelands.

Illusion and disguise. That is how you will fool the Black Dragonflight, and gain what you seek.
Though I could teach you something of the skills of deception, you need the help of a master.$b$bI know of one who could do this. In the Western Plaguelands, you will find Myranda the Hag, once a master illusionist of Lordaeron. She has helped us in the past, and if she believes the cause worthy, she may help you.$b$bTake this message to her.



It is not often I see one of the Horde in these parts of Lordaeron. What is it that you have for Myranda?

Hmph. That one.
How is Rokaro? As suspicious as ever, sending me a note like this.

You must be on an important mission if Rokaro has sent you to me.

Well, I owe the Warchief a favor or two.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 7250 experience
Warlord's CommandEitrigg's WisdomFor The Horde!What the Wind CarriesThe Champion of the HordeMistress of DeceptionOculus IllusionsEmberstrifeThe Test of Skulls, ChronalisThe Test of Skulls, AxtrozAscension...Blood of the Black Dragon ChampionThe Test of Skulls, SomnusThe Test of Skulls, Scryer