Tanaris Field Sampling

Acquire acceptable samples for 8 basilisks, 8 hyenas, and 8 scorpions. Bring the testing kit back to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan before the power source runs out.

Activating the power source makes the field testing kit start to glow and vibrate. It would seem to be working as planned.$B$BAccording to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle, you now have two hours to collect the data you need in the Tanaris desert. If you do not collect it within two hours, all the data will be lost and you will need to buy another power source from him.$B$BReturn to him when you have completed the task.



Well, did you get everything you needed? If you didn't and the power runs out, everything inside will be ruined and you'll have to start over.$B$BHey, don't look to me for sympathy; I'm all about the Gadgetzan Water Company making a profit, and if that means selling you power sources until we can afford to import water in from the icy springs of Dun Morogh, so be it!

All right then, it will take me just a second to remove the power source. After that, you can do with it whatever you like now without having to worry about losing the data inside.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5750 experience
  • 250 reputation with Undercity