Taming the Beast

Use the Taming Rod to tame a Nightsaber Stalker. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Dazalar in Dolanaar.

The variance of nature is something that can be relied upon, $N. It is predictable in the way that it never remains the same; it is always changing.$B$BThe tasks I give to you will help you to see and appreciate the vast differences of the creatures you may choose as your companion.$B$BTake this taming rod and use it to tame a nightsaber stalker, found to the south. Practice your skills as a hunter. Then you will begin to understand the similarities and differences of nature.


Understanding the balance between nature and oneself is a way of life for every $R.

I see your commitment and that you have understood what I have taught you, $N.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain: