Supply and Demand

Bring 2 Large River Crocolisk Skins to Drizzlik in Booty Bay.

"The finest leathercrafter of the South Seas and the worlds old and new." That's what they call me. Me! Drizzlik! The finest lea... Ahem. Well.$b$bMy leather goods are known far and wide as the most exquisite, a connoisseur's choice!$b$bI've just received an order from Director Riddlevox of the Tinkers' Union for a dozen of his favorite Excelsior-line boots. Our best sellers, actually.$b$bTo start on the basic shape, I'll need crocolisk skins from the crocs along the river in northern Stranglethorn.



My equipment is all ready to go, $n, I just need those skins. We don't want to keep Riddlevox waiting, that's for sure.$b$bIt's not a good idea for anyone to keep the chief inventor of the Tinkers' Union unsatisfied.

These skins should do. Their quality isn't too important, given that they'll make up the inside layer of the boots, but it's still important that they're comfortable.$b$bIf they're a bit too rigid, I'll use some tiger blood to soften it up. Tricks o' the trade, you know?

You will receive:

22 Silver
29 Silver
80 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1300 experience
  • 250 reputation with Booty Bay
  • -250 reputation with Bloodsail Buccaneers
Quest Item Drops