Betina Bigglezink

Bring the Frozen Eggs to Betina Bigglezink.

The eggs you brought were to be used in Scourge experiments to create a plagued dragonflight. These frozen black dragon eggs would have been invaluable in their studies, and would have assuredly quickened their timetable.$B$BNow, it is time we ended their research.$B$BTake the frozen eggs to Betina Bigglezink outside. She is well-learned in science and alchemy, and has produced a weapon we can use against the Scourge. With your help, we will deal them a heavy blow.



Hello, $N! I heard you were here with some dragon eggs? Well, let's see them!

There they are! And in such a nice container. The perfect size!$b$bWe'll keep these eggs in a safe place so we can study them later, but right now we need that thing you brought them in.$b$bI have created a device with a very specific use: to destroy the undead scholars of the Scholomance. They are studying dragons in their efforts to create a plagued dragonflight, and we must halt their progress.$b$bI call the device Dawn's Gambit, because... I'm not sure if it works!$b$bWill you find out for us?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1700 experience