Morbent Fel

Use Morbent's Bane on Morbent Fel, kill Morbent Fel, then return Morbent's Bane to Sven at his camp.

Morbent Fel hides in his lair, the house perched atop the hill to the east overlooking the Raven Hill cemetery. His time in this land is drawing to an end...$B$BUse Morbent's Bane against him. It will render his protective magics powerless.$B$BSlay him. Slay him, and save us from his wickedness. Be the instrument of my revenge, and a hero of Duskwood!



Is Morbent Fel defeated?!

Morbent Fel has been defeated. The dark riders are still at large, but a small piece of that which I had hoped beyond hope has come to pass.$b$bYou have done the impossible, and your deeds will forever live in the legends of Duskwood.$b$bGo, $N. And perhaps, one day, fate may bring you back to me...


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

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Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4100 experience
  • 150 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles
  • 500 reputation with Stormwind