Report to Goldshire

Take Marshal McBride's Documents to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.

$N, you are a $c with proven interest in the security of Northshire. You are now tasked with the protection of the surrounding Elwynn Forest.$B$BIf you accept this duty, then I have prepared papers that must be delivered to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire. Goldshire lies along the southern road, past the border gates.


You have word from McBride? Northshire is a garden compared to Elwynn Forest, but I wonder what Marshal McBride has to report.$b$bHere, let me have his papers...

Well, it says here that you've been awarded Acting Deputy Status with the Stormwind Marshals. Congratulations.$b$bAnd good luck - keeping Elwynn safe is no picnic... what with most the army busy doing who knows what for who knows which noble!$b$bIt's hard to keep track of politics in these dark days...


You will also get these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 200 experience
  • 75 reputation with Stormwind