The Ruins of Kel'Theril

Speak with Jaron Stoneshaper in Starfall Village.

The story behind Kel'Theril is one of a cursed race, bound to the place where they attempted an unfortunate ritual...$B$BThe highborne that you will find there once stole a sacred artifact, believing that they could siphon its power for themselves, becoming even more powerful. In their efforts, the relic shattered in a huge explosion, driving the pieces below the ice of the lake...$B$BSpeak with Jaron Stoneshaper if you'd like to learn more; he has recently visited the area and can tell you more.



Well, sure, I can tell you more about Kel'Theril. Mind you now, I'm no historian, but I can tell ya about what I saw there...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 850 experience
  • 10 reputation with Ironforge