Elixir of Agony

Bring a keg of Shindigger Stout to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill.

This new elixir is finally ready to be tested. But why let a perfectly good, highly contagious plague go to waste on a mere frog or dog? Let's have us some true fun in the name of Lady Sylvanas.$b$bHead down to Dun Garok. You know the barracks where those filthy little dwarves skitter about. Steal me a keg of their Shindigger Stout. Once I have that keg, you and I will have quite the party, $N.



Sometimes I get so bored out here in Tarren Mill I like to open up the formaldehyde jar and let the lovely aroma waft through the air. Makes Umpi a little nervous though.$b$bSo were you able to get a keg from the Dwarves? I swear if I have to stare at this deadly elixir without using on it someone for another day I am going to scream.

Finally! Now we are ready for action!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1200 experience
  • 75 reputation with Undercity