Brumeran of the Chillwind

Storm Shadowhoof at Everlook in Winterspring wants you to kill Brumeran.

Swift, and clever, Brumeran glides silently across the snowy landscape of southern Winterspring. But do not let her graceful appearance convince you that she is harmless. All that cross her pay considerably, and often with their own lives.$B$BSeek out Brumeran of the chillwind among the chimera. Defeat her, then return again to me.



Brumeran calls out to you, $N.

Yes. You have returned. I believe now that you are a true $C by nature. You have faced the most ferocious of creatures and have returned, surpassing my expectations.$b$bYou are now ready for my final request.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9000 experience