The Dead Fields

Kill rot hide gnolls at the Dead Fields.$B$BWhen Nightlash appears, kill her.$B$BBring the Essence of Nightlash to High Executor Hadrec at the Sepulcher.

Our initial scouting reports of Silverpine show the rot hides have a base at an old farm to the north, the Dead Fields. We have sent small assaults against them, but each time they are reinforced by the banshee Nightlash, who uses her magic to rout our forces.$B$BWe want Nightlash destroyed.$B$BGo to the Dead Fields and assault the rot hides. If you don't see Nightlash then kill the rot hides until she appears, then defeat her.$B$BHer essence will turn to dust. Bring me that dust as proof.



Have you defeated Nightlash, $N? Our success against the rot hides depends on her destruction!

I heard of your successful raid against the rot hides, $N, and this essence is proof of Nightlash's death.$b$bThe Scourge have lost ground this day. Your value to the Forsaken grows.


You will also get these rewards:

You will also receive:

6 Silver
12 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1000 experience
  • 250 reputation with Undercity
Quest Item Drops


Essence of Nightlash

