The Missing Courier

Speak with Ginro Hearthkindle in Feathermoon Stronghold.

An associate of mine, Ginro Hearthkindle, is looking for assistance concerning the location of a courier and the parcels he was carrying. It has been a week or so since the courier went missing; our own searches have proved fruitless, and we're at an impasse. Unfortunately, I have had to declare the courier as missing in action.$B$BIf you have the time and resources to spare, please speak with Ginro. He should be here in the Stronghold - perhaps in his quarters.



Latro sent you to me, I presume. While I think it is a lost cause at this point, I'll take whatever assistance you can offer. I must admit... I'll be glad once I can put my mind to rest on this matter. Every day I set out into the wilds of Feralas looking for signs of Raschal, and every night I have come back with nothing to show for my work save gnoll teeth and disappointment.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 500 experience