Meet at the Grave

Go to the graveyard outside Gadgetzan, and use the Videre Elixir. Follow the rest of Donova's instructions to find Gaeriyan.

This elixir will allow you to speak with one that you would not normally even see...$B$BTake the Videre elixir, along with Linken's sword, to the graveyard just outside Gadgetzan in Tanaris. Once there, drink the potion. You may be quite surprised at the results, but do not be alarmed.$B$BIn your "other" form, head due north until you reach the mountains. You'll find the one you need to speak with in one of the rocky crevices. His name is Gaeriyan.$B$BRemember, he will only speak to you in that form...



It has been long since any have come to talk with me...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 7250 experience