A New Plague

Apothecary Johaan of the town of Brill needs 5 Vile Fin Scales from Murlocs in Tirisfal Glades.

While you were collecting samples for me, my experiments led me to realize that more reagents will be required for this new disease to spread properly. Poisoning some hapless victim is child's play. Plaguing an entire world proves to be a bit more complicated.$b$bI will need 5 Vile Fin Scales from Murlocs in the vicinity. You will find the creatures along the coast to the north or to the west.



$N, were you able to obtain 5 Vile Fin Scales from the Murlocs?

The scales are perfect, $N. Exactly what I needed for this concoction.


You will also get these rewards:

You will also receive:

3 Silver
7 Silver
80 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 800 experience
  • 250 reputation with Undercity
Quest Item Drops