Rise of the Silithid

Take the report to Zilzibin Drumlore in Orgrimmar.

Here's your report. I urge you to take it to someone who might have working knowledge in this kind of thing.$B$BI know this troll scholar named Zilzibin Drumlore. He's spent a lot of time studying life forms that are unique to the ecology of Azeroth; he's a historian to boot! If you want someone to help figure out what exactly this threat is and how to stop it, give this report to him. We're going to need all the help we can get.$B$BZil lives in a house on the second tier of the Drag in Orgrimmar.



I'm sorry. I don't know you... but from the look of things you have at least heard something of me. Now, what can I help you with? Do you have something for me?

This report... I've dealt with these beasts before. Fizzledowser was wise to send this. and you, to me.$b$bThese creatures will consume the Tanaris desert rapidly; they are nothing short of one of the greatest menaces we all will ever face. Familiarize yourself with this name, $N: silithid. The insects mentioned here are the silithid, and they are the tools of one of the greatest threats that both the Horde and Alliance face.$b$bIf only we were smart enough to see that before.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 7750 experience
  • 350 reputation with Orgrimmar
  • 350 reputation with Thunder Bluff
  • 350 reputation with Gadgetzan
  • 350 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
  • 350 reputation with Silvermoon City