Glyphic Tablet

Read the Glyphic Tablet and speak with Mai'ah near the entrance to the Den in the Valley of Trials.

Ah, while you were gone a tablet came for you, $N.$B$BRead it when you have time. If I'm not mistaken, it came from the mage trainer Mai'ah. She would have words with you when you're ready.


Ya look to please Mai'ah already, $N. Dat be good. You give Mai'ah respect, and Mai'ah maybe give you respect back. But enough o' dat, you be here to learn 'bout magic, not hear Mai'ah talk.$B$BThere be only one ting Mai'ah can no teach you 'bout magic, $N, and dat's how to stop da corruptin'.

You be among da most powerful beings on da planet, $N... there no arguin' dat. And everyone know it... know it good, too!$B$BBut ya must be weary! 'cause it not orc, or elf, or dwarf dat you should be scared of... it be da tings you can'na see. Magic be powerful. Make you do tings you may not want to do. Make ya tink you more powerful then you really be. Be patient. Be smart.$B$BWhen ya tink you be ready for trainin', come back to Mai'ah. She teach you what you ready to learn, no problem.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 50 experience
  • 75 reputation with Darkspear Trolls