The Mark of Quality

Bring 10 Thick Yeti Hides to Pratt McGrubben in Feathermoon Stronghold.

My philosophy on leatherworking is that the work must be the best quality possible - no compromises. Anyone who says that quality doesn't matter is trying to sell you ocean-front property in Dun Morogh!$B$BIn my latest pursuit of high-quality materials, I have run across thick yeti hides. The Yeti are native to Feralas, with many found in Feral Scar Vale. I want some, and I'll give you a choice of one of my leather goods for a stack of ten. If that sounds fair to you, then we're in business.



A stack of ten thick yeti hides will net you a choice of one of my crafted items. Because I care about quality, I am able to ensure you'll get a good item!$B$BIf you can't seem to find yetis, I know where some might be. Try looking just inland of the Forgotten Coast, around Feral Scar Vale.

Did you stop and examine the texture of these hides? Properly treated, these hides could very well be stronger than iron. Not many people know about these hides, and that in combination with the vast treating solutions I know will allow me to potentially make items with a true mark of quality... thanks to you, of course!$B$BAnd now, please choose from what I am able to offer you for your service!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5750 experience
  • 250 reputation with Darnassus
Quest Item Drops