The World At Your Feet

Bring two Heavy Mithril Boots and one Ornate Mithril Pants to Trenton Lighthammer.

At last year's All-Valley Blacksmithing Championship, all those who watched saw my leg get swept from under me by a cowardly dog from the Venture Co. Foundry. What they didn't know, however, was the reason I was able to continue and ultimately win the tournament: That's right, ornate mithril boots!$B$BI will need to learn how to craft ornate mithril pants for this year's tournament, however, as a Venture Co. shredder is an entrant! Teach me the way of the pants and learn the way of the boot!


Have you completed the crafting of the items, $N?

The world will be at your feet, $N! Let them all come at your legs, for you are now unsweepable!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5500 experience