Divino-matic Rod

Bring the Divino-matic Rod to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan.

Sergeant Bly stole from me! He said he'd only borrow it, but he stole my cherished divino-matic rod!! Without that rod how will I know where to dig new water holes??$B$BFind Bly and bring me my rod! I heard he led his band of ill-reputed adventurers to go treasure hunting in Zul'Farrak to the west. I bet you'll find him there.$B$BLet's hope the trolls took care of him, because if you have to fight him for the rod then you're in for a serious fight.


Did you find Sergeant Bly? Did you get my divino-matic rod?

You found it! Well done, $N! Did you have to fight Bly for it? I hope you knocked him and his band down good and hard!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9000 experience
  • 500 reputation with Gadgetzan
Quest Item Drops

Sergeant Bly

Divino-matic Rod

