Return to Sven

Return to Sven with Jitters' completed journal.

The book you found was only half finished. I had to leave it at Sven's farm when I fled there...$B$BHere. Take my completed journal to Sven. It describes more fully what happened at his farm.$B$BAlthough this journal has been my only company these past weeks, if giving it up keeps me from having to face Sven and his wrath, then I do it willingly!



Did you find who the Shadowy Figure was?

This journal explains much to me, and sets me on the path against the dark riders! I have seen these riders in Duskwood, and have seen them speak with the wizard Morbent Fel, at the Forlorn Rowe.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 500 experience
  • 25 reputation with Stormwind