Between a Rock and a Thistlefur

Take down 8 Thistlefur Avengers and 8 Thistlefur Shaman; most are located east of Zoram Strand in Thistlefur Village. Once completed, return to Karang Amakkar at Zoram'gar Outpost, Ashenvale.

The Thistlefur furbolgs are threatening our expansion! Thistlefur Village to our east blocks the way between us here and the Splintertree Post. It's a path that would circumvent the village of Astranaar; without it, we give the Alliance an extra expansion path.$B$B$N, we must not allow... an expansion path gap!$B$BProceed to Thistlefur Village and thin out the furbolgs. You will be given compensation for this task, but more importantly you will be doing your duty for the Horde!



Have you taken the fight to the Thistlefur? With a clear path between our bases, our chances of claiming the whole of Ashenvale increase dramatically.

Well done $C, well done! I will continue to send forces to thin out the furbolg, but I can at least count on a different path that will be free of Alliance entanglements. The Horde conquest of Ashenvale is now in full swing!$b$bYou've earned your pay this day, hero. I salute you!

You will receive:

17 Silver
29 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2000 experience
  • 250 reputation with Orgrimmar