Krazek's Cookery

Bring Krazek's Crock Pot to Krazek the goblin.

I do most of the cooking at the camp. And it used to be a lot of work, until I bought a mechanical cooking pot from a goblin merchant in Booty Bay. The pot is a wonder! It saved me countless hours...until it broke!$B$BCan you take the pot back to the goblin for me so he can fix it? His name is Krazek.



Hello! You brought me something?

Oh I see, it's a Krazek's Crock Pot! An ingenious piece of work, but it can break a spring or throw a gear now and then. Let me see what's wrong with this one...$b$bAha! Its steam charger is rusted out, it has a cracked knuckle-gasket and its fobulator is missing teeth. I'm surprised the pot could even boil a turnip in this state!$b$bCan I fix it? Of course I can fix it!$b$bBut there's a price. Oh yes, there is always a price...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1900 experience
  • 75 reputation with Booty Bay
  • -75 reputation with Bloodsail Buccaneers