The Exorcism

Kill the Demon of the Orb, then speak with Tabetha.

Now that we have a summoner's orb, we must exorcise the demon within it. I can do that. That's the easy part.
You're the one who has the hard job. You're the one who has to kill the demon once it's out.

And you'll have to be quick. If you take too long then he'll jump back in the orb and we'll have to start over!

So get yourself ready. Prepare your strongest spells and keep your potions handy, and go get a friend if you have one. Because this isn't going to be pretty.

  • Required Level


  • Side


  • Recommended Level


  • Difficulty




  • Start

  • End

  • Type

    Class - Mage

  • Class


You'll have to kill that demon to remove its taint from the orb, Adventurer.

Nicely done, Adventurer! You gave that demon a lesson he won't soon forget.
He'll think twice before he sticks his ugly head back in this world, looking for the stupid mortal who beat him. Probably with friends this time. Big, scaly friends who'd want nothing more than to tear you into little $R pieces.

I didn't scare you, did I...$N?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2350 experience
Return to the MarshThe Infernal OrbThe ExorcismPower in UldamanMana SurgesCelestial Power