Ju-Ju Heaps

Destroy 4 Ju-Ju Heaps, then return to Un'thuwa in Sen'jin Village.

The warlock Zalazane of the Echo Isles has disrupted the normal flow of magic in Durotar. He does this through tainted fetishes, ju-ju heaps, which he has placed among his huts on the main Echo Isle.$B$BThese heaps corrupt our wildlife and give power to the warlocks and infernal creatures that lurk in the land's dark corners.$B$BYou must destroy the ju-ju heaps, $N, before the flow of magic is forever altered.


You must hurry, $N. Destroy the ju-ju heaps!

I sense that Zalazane's ju-ju heaps were destroyed, and with time, and luck, the flow of magic in Durotar will return to normal.$b$bA great deed you have done for your people, $N. And you have shown your worth to us, the mages of the Horde.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 850 experience