Tome of the Cabal

Bring the Reconstructed Tome and 3 Rods of Channeling to Strahad Farsan in Ratchet.

This is one of the most interesting texts I have perused in the last few years. The selection here is sparse--mostly books on geography--and I have already read them all. I should hope that Strahad would send me a copy of this tome when he has the chance.$b$bSpeaking of him, he sent word to me while you were away. For your task, you must obtain three rods of channeling.$b$bFor allowing me to look at this text, I will share a secret: You can find the rods on orcs of the Dragonmaw Clan in the Wetlands.


Yes, $N? Of what service can I be to you?

Well done! The Tome of the Cabal and three pristine--slightly scratched, I suppose--rods of channeling.$B$BThis will be interesting. It's been some time since a young $C took on a felhunter to make his own.


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