More Wastewander Justice

Take down 10 Wastewander Shadow Mages, 8 Wastewander Rogues, and 6 Wastewander Assassins for Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan.

We need you to take on the stronger ranks of the Wastewander nomads now. You've done a good job thus far, but if we are to take back those water wells, then it only makes sense to do it against as few nomads as possible!$B$BThis time around we need you to take down their rogues, assassins, and shadow mages. You'll find them east and southeast of here.$B$BI'm not going to lie to you - they're a nasty lot. Do this for us though, and we'll be on our way to taking back what is rightfully ours!



Well, were you able to take out those nomads like I asked? The Gadgetzan Water Company is developing plans based on your success here! Don't let us down, now...

Top notch work, $N... top notch! You've thinned down the nomad population to a point where we can actually take the fight to them!$b$bIf you haven't already, talk to Spigot Operator Luglunket here; he gives a bounty on any of the Wastewander water pouches you may have run across while bringing those nomads to justice!

You will receive:

65 Silver
96 Silver
50 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5250 experience
  • 250 reputation with Gadgetzan