Ata'mal Armaments

Smith Hauthaa needs you to produce 5 Cleansed Ata'mal Metal. Do so by breaking down Ata'mal Armaments on her anvil at the Sun's Reach Armory on the Isle of Quel'Danas.

The Ata'mal Terrace in eastern Shadowmoon Valley is holy to the draenei, but is now overrun by fel orcs. They have dug up the special ore from that place and created corrupted weapons and armor.$B$BI need the armaments to form an alloy with the naga ore. Our anchorites have blessed my anvil with the ability to cleanse them.$B$BRetrieve the armaments from the Shadowmoon chosen, slayers and darkweavers. Return them here, breaking down and purifying them upon my anvil, and then hand me the cleansed results.



I need all of the cleansed Ata'mal metal that I can get my hands on, $c.

Thank you, my friend. Now I will be able to fashion more of the special alloy that is going into the creation of our forces' weapons and armor.$b$bAnd, I have some leftover extract from the process, which you'll likely find handy for use on your weapons. Please, take your pick of whichever will serve your purposes.$b$bReturn to me again on the morrow. No doubt I will need more armaments.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

You will also receive:

8 Gold
80 Silver
18 Gold
28 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 15800 experience
  • 350 reputation with Shattered Sun Offensive