Further Conversions

Vindicator Xayann at the Shattered Sun Staging Area wants you to place the Attuned Crystal Cores inside 5 defeated Erratic Sentries to turn them into friendly units.

My plan to replace the damaged crystals on the erratic sentries has been a success. We've managed to take the Sun's Reach Sanctum with their help.$B$BI've crafted new crystals that will bring more of them under our control; place them inside the hulls of defeated sentries. We'll deploy them to other locations once they're converted.



Have you converted the sentries, $n?

Excellent. The converted sentries will help to secure our perimeter.

You will receive:

3 Gold
40 Silver
9 Gold
10 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9500 experience
  • 150 reputation with Shattered Sun Offensive