Wanted: The Scroll of Skyriss

Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to obtain The Scroll of Skyriss. Deliver it to him in Shattrath's Lower City to collect the reward.$B$BThis quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.

Today's client seeks something truly unique.$B$BIt is said that Harbinger Skyriss is a servant of the Old Gods. It is also said that he carries a large scroll that contains their instructions for his domination of life in the universe on their behalf.$B$BMy current buyer wishes to get $g his : her; hands on that scroll, nevermind that $g he : she; won't be able to read the language upon it.$B$BTravel to Tempest Keep's Arcatraz and get it for me, will you, $c?



It must be a very dangerous thing to do to meddle directly in the affairs of the Old Gods.$B$BBetter you than me!

I dare not touch the scroll lest I too risk the notice of the Old Gods. I will have one of my assistants handle its delivery.$B$BYou have more than earned your reward, $C, and I wish you all the luck in the known worlds.$B$BCome back tomorrow and I will have another request for you to fulfill.


You will also get these rewards:

You will also receive:

13 Gold
20 Silver
24 Gold
60 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 19000 experience
  • 350 reputation with The Consortium
  • 350 reputation with The Sha'tar
Quest Item Drops