Take Down Tethyr!

Major Mills at the Theramore docks wants you to defeat Tethyr.

Sea monster or no, we're not going to risk the safety of our shipping. I've ordered our best marksmen to prepare for a confrontation with this Tethyr. The artillerymen have augmented the dock's defenses with three mortars.
I'm going to order the lighthouse's lamp illuminated. If Tethyr does attack, it will be your job to operate the mortars and take down the beast before it can kill all of the marksmen. I wouldn't stand in one place too long, though. Using the mortars is likely to draw its attention.



Make your report.

Well done, Adventurer! I'll admit, when I caught my first glimpse of that beast, I had doubts about our ability to defend the docks, but you held together the defenders brilliantly!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

You will also receive:

75 Silver
1 Gold
1 Silver
40 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4400 experience
This Old LighthouseThresher OilDastardly Denizens of the DeepIs it Real?Nat's BargainOh, It's RealTake Down Tethyr!