Lord Illidan Stormrage

Meet Illidan Stormrage. Seek out Barthamus in the Lower City of Shattrath should you survive.

Come, highlord $N. Illidan himself awaits us!



You've had quite an adventure, $n.

I was the first, you know. The abandoned child of a monster...$B$B$B$BWe owe you everything, $N. You have single-handedly shattered the Dragonmaw empire and gathered enough information to keep my brethren occupied for ten lifetimes.$B$BIt is not much but there is something that we can offer... My kin have each offered to join you on your mission in Outland. Simply ask and they will bond with you.

You will receive:

13 Gold
20 Silver
24 Gold
60 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 19000 experience
  • 1000 reputation with Netherwing