An Apexis Relic

Chu'a'lor has asked you to return to him at Ogri'la atop the Blade's Edge Mountains after you have gained Apexis Vibrations from an Apexis Relic.

Long ago a now-extinct sect of the arakkoa known as the Apexis lived here. Remnants of their civilization are still present. We call them apexis relics.$B$BWhat we know about them is that, when properly used, they grant a boon. Each relic presents a colored sequence which, when the crystals are pressed in the correct order, leads through a series of levels, each harder than the last.$B$BAn apexis shard is needed to power the relic. Return when you have attained the insight of the apexis vibration.



Have you learned how to use the apexis relic yet? Both we and the Sha'tari Skyguard just to the north are interested in what you learn about them.

$B$BYou have a quick mind, $N. It took us much longer to successfully make use of the relic.$B$BNow that you know how, you can do so as much as you care to. Just remember that they require an apexis shard to power them.

You will receive:

4 Gold
40 Silver
11 Gold
99 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12650 experience
  • 250 reputation with Sha'tari Skyguard
  • 250 reputation with Ogri'la