Parts for the Rocket-Chief

Bring Bossi's Spare Parts to Rocket-Chief Fuselage at Area 52.

You can count on one hand the number of times I've collaborated with a goblin. We're far more likely to be in competition with them, but when I received Rocket-Chief Fuselage's request, I just couldn't refuse him.$B$BThis crate is full of parts I'm not using here, but that the rocket-chief might be able to put to use on his project. Would you be kind enough to deliver them if you're on your way to Area 52?$B$BWho knows, maybe some fine gnomish parts could keep his creation from exploding!



That crate has the look of a master gnomish engineer about it. Did Bossi send you?

I don't even know what some of these parts do! I'm certain I'll find a use for some of them, but I never suspected I'd have to learn to think like a gnome!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1150 experience