Deathstalkers in Shadowfang

Find the Deathstalker Adamant and Deathstalker Vincent.

In preparation for an assault on Shadowfang, two deathstalkers were sent to the keep to gather intelligence. It has been many days and they have not returned, but we must receive their report if we're to have any hope of a successful attack!$B$BSo here is your task, $N. Go to Shadowfang Keep to the south and find the Deathstalkers Adamant and Vincent. Find them, and if they require aid then give it.$B$BThis mission is as dangerous as is it critical, $N. Do not fail.



Vincent's body lies broken, and still.$b$bAlthough Deathstalker Adamant will send his report to Hadrec... whatever additional details Vincent gained must remain with him.$b$bBut clutched in his hand is a small trinket...


You will also get these rewards:

You will also receive:

18 Silver
36 Silver
60 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 3100 experience
  • 250 reputation with Undercity