Longtail is the Lynchpin

Eliminate Draaca Longtail, the leader of the wyrmcultists in Wyrmskull Tunnel. Report back to Watcher Moonshade at the Wyrmskull Tunnel in the Blade's Edge Mountains once you have done so.

With the Blackwing wyrmcultists massing in the tunnel, we're hard pressed to deal with the situation. Quite frankly, they have the numbers.$B$BAnd while we've been able to take care of any of their people that get too close, the fact remains that if they attack in earnest, we're going to be overrun.$B$BThe situation calls for someone to get through to the other end of the tunnel, and take out their leader, Draaca Longtail. Up for some fun?



Is she dead?$B$B$N, if we're to have a fighting chance here, we need you to sow confusion into their ranks by killing Draaca Longtail!

With Draaca out of the picture, we should be able to take advantage of the situation. They'll be in-fighting over who should be in charge, and that will relieve some of the pressure.$B$BThat is, unless the overseer mentioned in that note you gave me comes to take her place.$B$BLet's see if you can do something to make sure that never happens!

You will receive:

3 Gold
70 Silver
10 Gold
69 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 11650 experience
  • 250 reputation with Cenarion Expedition