Mok'Nathal Treats

Matron Varah has given you a list of ingredients for the making of her two favorite dishes, which includes the collection of 3 Raptor Ribs and 3 Serpent Flesh. Bring them to her at Mok'Nathal Village in the Blade's Edge Mountains.

Hungry, $r? The Great Spirit helps those that help themselves. If you want to earn a meal, I suggest that you listen up, because Braagor there isn't going to give you anything for free, nor as tasty!$B$BThe raptors and scalewings of Razor Ridge and the Scalewing Shelf have everything that's needed for two of the most delicious dishes you'll ever taste. Bring me their raptor ribs and serpent flesh, and I'll make some of each for you.$B$BI may even teach you how to cook them up for yourself, if you hurry.



Have all of the ingredients yet? Talking about it with you has made my mouth water!

Mmm, I can taste them already. Quickly, hand over those parts... I'm going to get them diced up and onto the fire!$B$BLuckily for you, this stuff keeps, and I mean for a long time! So, take these, and I suppose you can have the recipes as well for being so kind as to restock my larder.


You will also receive:

3 Gold
70 Silver
10 Gold
69 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 11650 experience
Quest Item Drops