Special Delivery for Gaxim

Bring the Scroll of Messaging to Gaxim Rustfizzle in Stonetalon.

Here you are, $N. This should do nicely.$B$BPlease give my regards to Gaxim when next you see him. I look forward to hearing about this adventure when it sees its completion.$B$BFare well.



Haha! you're back! Do you have it? Do you have the spell?

This is perfect, $N! Well done.$B$BThis spell, mixed with the NG-5, shall make the perfect remote explosive.$B$BWe'll be able to create the perfect distraction for you so you can sneak in and steal the Venture Co.'s letters and engineering plans.$B$BThat will surely slow down their deforestation acts.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 850 experience
  • 75 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles