Whelps of the Wyrmcult

Samia Inkling has asked you to use the Blackwhelp Net to capture 10 Wyrmcult Blackwhelps. Return them to her at Evergrove in the Blade's Edge Mountains.

I need to examine the whelps that they are raising at the Blackwing Coven.$B$BThere should be an abundance of them flying around inside their cavernous base, as well as a number of eggs, which if you get close to them will likely hatch.$B$BPlease, $N, take the net and capture a handful of them alive for me.$B$BFind them by heading west across the Wyrmskull Bridge and heading through the Wyrmskull Tunnel. Follow the path to its end past Grishnath and the Raven's Wood.



Did you run into much trouble snatching the whelps? I hope you didn't get singed!

Oh my goodness, these are more than I'd hoped for! You are certainly to be lauded for your heroics!$B$BThis looks like a fine brood of blackwhelps to make a start with. Examining them, that is.$B$BPlease, accept this as payment. I insist!


You will also receive:

3 Gold
90 Silver
11 Gold
10 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12000 experience