On Guard in Stonetalon

Find Kaela Shadowspear overlooking the valley entering Windshear Crag in the Stonetalon Mountains.

Hello, $N.$B$BYou seem to be full of wanderlust by the looks of you. Have you been to the Stonetalon Mountains? It is a land plagued by the Venture Co. and other enemies of the night elves.$B$BRecently, Sentinel Wolfrunner sent my friend Kaela Shadowspear there to investigate what's happening to the land, but I have yet to hear word back from her. I'm even more concerned because the Alliance sent a gnome mage along with her... a sign of trouble for sure.$B$BWould you find her and report back to me?



Ah, you've come from Ashenvale at the behest of Thenysil -- how I miss her, my homeland and friends. She must be doing well with the Sentinels to be sequestering adventurers for other tasks. I'm proud of her.$B$BIt is a pleasure to meet you, $N.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 850 experience
  • 75 reputation with Darnassus