Trapping the Light Fantastic
Toshley would like you to use the Light Trap to catch 15 Razaani Light Orbs. Return to him at Toshley's Station in the Blade's Edge Mountains after you have done so.
The Razaani ethereals have been playing with some interesting technology at Razaan's Landing to the north.$B$BI'm sure they won't mind if you use this trap to take a few samples of their little pink floating light orbs? They're probably only for decoration anyway.$B$BThe trap has a special property to it that when opened should attract one of the floating balls towards it. Of course, it'll probably also alert the Razaani to your presence.
I take it that since we're speaking, you have the light orbs from the Razaan's Landing? It'll be interesting to take a look at them and see what the ethereal are up to.
Hey! Wait just one damned minute!!$B$BThis doesn't look good...
You will receive: 3 70 10 69
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 11650 experience