Bring Down the Warbringer!

Defeat Warbringer Razuun, recover Razuun's Orders, and report to Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village.

We've made a lot of progress against the Shadow Council here at the Deathforge, but now it's time to finish the job.$B$BI found a key among the items in Kagrosh's pack. At least he accomplished something before they got to him.$B$BThe key should help you to track down this Warbringer Razuun you observed at Legion Hold.$B$BAfter you've hunted down and dealt with Warbringer Razuun, report directly to Blood Guard Gulmok. We must not keep him waiting.



What news do you bring from the Deathforge?

$B$BGood work, $N, but don't go thinking you'll be getting any ribbons for it. Let the night elves decorate their pretty little uniforms if they wish. Real warriors share tales of battle over a mug of ale.

You will receive:

4 Gold
10 Silver
11 Gold
48 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12300 experience
Quest Item Drops

Warbringer Razuun

Razuun's Orders

