The Fate of Kagrosh

Scout Zagran at Slag Watch wants you to search the Deathforge for Kagrosh and recover Kagrosh's Pack.

The scouting party originally had three members. Unfortunately, Kagrosh decided he wanted to be a hero.$B$BHe descended into the Deathforge and we haven't heard from him since.$B$BIn all likelihood, the fool's gone and gotten himself killed. The Shadow Council members aren't idiots and Kagrosh wasn't exactly strong in the subtlety department, if you know what I mean. Keep an eye out for him in the Deathforge and recover any information or items he might have collected.



Did you find any sign of Kagrosh in the Deathforge?

$B$BI told you he was a fool. I hope there's something in here that justifies the time you spent searching for him.

You will receive:

4 Gold
10 Silver
11 Gold
48 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12300 experience