The Shadowmoon Shuffle

Borak, Son of Oronok at the bridge near Eclipse Point in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover 6 pieces of Eclipsion Armor.

$B$BThis is going to be tricky, but I think I can make it work.$B$BI can disguise you as one of these Illidari blood elves, $N. What I need first, though, are several pieces of their armor. It is imperative that the armor be clean. No blood stains! We want to avoid suspicion.$B$BBring me the gear and I'll take care of the rest of the disguise.$B$BOnce the disguise is assembled, you're going to deliver the message to the Grand Commander - in person.



It's far too complicated, $R. You wouldn't understand.

Well done, $N. I hope you are a good actor. The next step in my grand plan is going to require some theatrics!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12650 experience
Quest Item Drops