Of Thistleheads and Eggs...

Borak, Son of Oronok at the bridge north of Eclipse Point wants you to find a Rotten Arakkoa Egg and deliver it to Tobias the Filth Gorger in Shattrath City, located in northwest Terokkar Forest.

I'd have given up had I not noticed... He's a Thistlehead. I couldn't place it at first but the signs are all there...$B$BNow if we could get our hands on some bloodthistle, we'd be in business.$B$BIn my travels, I met a shady Broken in Shattrath named Tobias.$B$BTobias made a business of trading bloodthistle to blood elves for rotten arakkoa eggs.$B$BDirectly west of here are arakkoa ruins. Search them for an egg and head to the lower city of Shattrath. That's where you'll find Tobias.



$B$BBloodthistle? Never heard of it... Are you a peacekeeper? You know you'd have to tell me if you were... I've got rights!

You've got a rotten arakkoa egg? Well why didn't you say so! I think we can do business.$B$B


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12650 experience