The Cipher of Damnation - Truth and History

Oronok Torn-heart at Oronok's Farm in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to listen to his story. Speak to Oronok to begin hearing his story.

$B$BI had to be sure, $N. And to be sure, I had to test you. Please excuse the little masquerade. I am as much a farmer as you are $g female:male;. Which is to say, not at all.$B$BIf you are to recover the Cipher of Damnation, you will need to listen to what I have to tell you. When you are ready, let me know and I will tell you the story.



Be patient and listen, $N.

Do you understand what must be done? Find the sons of Oronok. Find my boys...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1250 experience