Keeping Up Appearances

Bring 10 Ripfang Lynx Pelts to Shauly Pore at Midrealm Post.

The ethereals are clever and very observant, so it's no accident that I'm here posing as a simple furrier. In fact, I've been sent from Area 52 to appraise the technology the ethereals use to generate their eco-domes.$B$BI'd like to enlist your help, $c. We've been asked to use non-goblin agents whenever possible.$B$BWhat I want you to do is bring me a number of ripfang lynx pelts in the guise of a hunter. You can find the lynxes all over Eco-Dome Midrealm.



Have any pelts to sell me?

These are magnificent, utterly magnificent! I'll pay you top coin for these! How much to retain your services?

You will receive:

4 Gold
10 Silver
11 Gold
48 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12300 experience
Quest Item Drops

Ripfang Lynx

Ripfang Lynx Pelt

68 - 69
