Creatures of the Eco-Domes

Tag 12 Talbuks for Aurine Moonblaze at the Stormspire. You may tag either Talbuk Sires or Talbuk Does using the Talbuk Tagger.

Your work with the lashers turned up some astounding information, but I wonder if it holds true for animals as well.$B$BGathering information on the talbuks that live underneath this dome is going to be trickier than studying the lashers, I'm afraid.$B$BUsing this tagging device, you can put a weakened talbuk to sleep and apply a tag that I'll use to track the animal as it matures. The tagging mechanism won't work unless the talbuk has expended most of its energy.



Were you able to tag enough of the talbuk?

Excellent work. I'll keep a close eye on the ones you tagged and see if they mature as quickly as the other lifeforms in the dome.$B$BWith the proper control, we could use this technology to regrow the ruined areas of Outland and Azeroth.

You will receive:

4 Gold
10 Silver
13 Gold
34 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 15400 experience
  • 250 reputation with Cenarion Expedition