Mission: The Murketh and Shaadraz Gateways

Speak with Wing Commander Dabir'ee, bomb Gateway Murketh and Gateway Shaadraz and then return to Forward Commander Kingston at Expedition Point.

Just west of the Dark Portal are two huge transporters: Gateway Murketh and Gateway Shaadraz.$B$BIf you look east up the Path of Glory, you'll see them on either side of the road. I want you to bomb them both into rubble!$B$BHere are the bombs you'll use, specially designed by a goblin in Area 52. Now, speak with Wing Commander Dabir'ee -- he'll put you on a gryphon and send you on your way.



This is a vital mission, $N. It's one I would not trust to just anyone.

That will slow them down, there's no denying it! I think you just put me in an uncharacteristically good mood, $N!



Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12625 experience
  • 350 reputation with Honor Hold