The Agitated Ancestors

Mother Kashur has asked that you put to rest 15 Agitated Orc Spirits.

Do you see them walking around us? The Ancestral Grounds are normally quiet and undisturbed.$B$BAs of late, the ancestral spirits have risen and are extremely agitated. Something is causing a great disturbance to the spirits. We must discover what that something could be, but first, we must put the immediate threat to rest.$B$BThese ghosts that you see walking about are not truly the ancestors but a representation of their state of being. You must destroy the agitated orc spirits. Do this and return to me.



You do not need a potion to see spirits, $N.

It's no use. They continue to rise. There must be something more insidious underway.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12000 experience
  • 500 reputation with The Mag'har