Material Components

Greatmother Geyah at Garadar in Nagrand has asked that you collect 1 Olemba Root, 1 Marshberry, 1 Telaari Frond and 1 Dragonspine.

Mother Kashur wishes to speak with you, $N. Before this becomes possible, you must collect the herbs required to create a potion that will expand your mind, allowing you to commune with the spirits.$B$BYou must gather Olemba root from Terokkar, marshberries from Zangarmarsh, Telaari fronds from Nagrand and dragonspine from the Blade's Edge mountains. I have written down instructions on this parchment as to the cultivation of these herbs. Return to me when you have gathered the materials.



Hello, dear.

You are very resourceful, $N. Our greatest gatherers would have taken twice as long to collect the herbs.Do not be afraid.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 14950 experience
  • 700 reputation with The Mag'har